International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Developing a Leadership Profiling System for Higher Education Institutions: A Journey

Open access

Ismie Roha Mohamed Jais, Azian Mohmad Azman, Ahmad Shakirin Zainal Abidin, Erlane K Ghani

Pages 359-367 Received: 13 Mar, 2021 Revised: 16 Apr, 2021 Published Online: 19 May, 2021
Over the decades, leadership has long been debated due to its importance in an organisation, particularly for higher education institutions. Realising this importance, the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education had set up a unit, known as Akademi Kepimpinan Pendidikan Tinggi (AKEPT), to be actively involved in leadership talent management for higher education institutions in the country. This paper reports the journey that AKEPT had gone through in developing the leadership profiling system for higher education institutions in Malaysia. This study utilised the content analysis approach on the documents related to the leadership profiling system. This paper reports that AKEPT has made tremendous efforts in ensuring that an effective leadership profiling system is established. It faced several challenges in ensuring that the leadership profiling system can be successfully implemented. The findings in this study are important to ensure leadership excellence in higher education institutions to gauge the leadership competency gaps of potential talents. The profiling system is crucial to execute a more strategic leadership development plan for effective and efficient talent management.
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In-Text Citation: (Jais et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Jais, I. R. M., Azman, A. M., Abidin, A. S. Z., & Ghani, E. K. (2021). Developing a Leadership Profiling System for Higher Education Institutions: A Journey. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 359–367.