Physical activity is essential for health protection and disease prevention. However, university students are more willing to spend more time studying than participating. Research has shown in recent years that barriers lead to the lack of young adults’ involvement in physical activity. This paper mainly aims to investigate differences in attributes towards the engagement of students in physical activity. A cross-sectional survey of undergraduate students was carried out at selected faculties. A self-administered questionnaire was constructed from established questionnaire. There were 28 elements to be evaluated at this point under internal and external attributes. A questionnaire was created, asking respondents to rate on a 5-point scale the attributes that affect physical activities. A total of 361 respondents was valid for data analysis with 72.6% females and 27.4% (99) males. Comparison analysis was then used to examine the differences in mean scores between active and less respondents. Both external and internal barriers in physical activity were found statistically significant difference in mean scores. External barriers in physical activity were higher values of mean score compared to internal barriers. Lack of time due to social and family responsibilities was considered as most important barriers in physical activity. Future research at large scale and targeting other population are needed to help nation achieved SDGs 2030 concerning improving healthy lifestyle and promote well-being for all at all ages.
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In-Text Citation: (Anuar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Anuar, A., Hussin, N. Z. M. H. @, Maon, S. N., Hassan, N. M., Abdullah, M. Z., Mohd, I. H., & Sahudin, Z. (2021). Physical Inactivity among University Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 334–343.
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