International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Ethics and Integrity in Social Media

Open access

Nor Zaina Zaharah Mohamad Ariff, Norliya Ahmad Kassim, Mohd. Shamsul Mohd. Shoid, Kasmarini Baharuddin

Pages 301-308 Received: 23 Mar, 2021 Revised: 27 Apr, 2021 Published Online: 19 May, 2021
The proliferation of social media has become extremely famous among the societies. Societies accept this technology as an important amenity in their daily lives. However, of each of the advancement of the technology, it must be good for mutual benefits although there are the cons on the misuse of this technology. Here, the issue of ethics and integrity in the use of social media are emphasized to show people that the misuse of the technology can happen unnoticed or unplanned. Currently, hot topics or issues on social ethics and integrity in the media have so often given a big impact in people's lives. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the matters of ethics and integrity in social media. It mentions the societies as the starting-point for addressing major challenges and issues, reviews literature on social media trends and research, draws on examples of influences and also personal competencies required for ethics and integrity. The review from various empirical studies and literature reviews will focus on two (2) major aspects; leadership and education which will be a great contribution to any research done in this area in the near future.
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In-Text Citation: (Ariff et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ariff, N. Z. Z. M., Kassim, N. A., Shoid, M. S. M., & Baharuddin, K. (2021). Ethics and Integrity in Social Media. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 301–308.