The flexible working arrangement has been widely used in lots of countries. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the flexible working arrangement on subjective productivity and well-being in Indonesia, particularly West Java. The convenience sampling technique was used with the sample selection criteria are as follows: 1) Workers who are domiciled in West Java, 2) Have or are currently doing a flexible work system. A total of 126 respondents participated in this study. The results indicate that the average total score for all variables, namely flexible working arrangements, subjective well-being, and perceived productivity, is high. This implies that workers' attitudes towards flexible work arrangements are high, workers have a good emotional state and satisfaction during flexible work arrangements, and individual perceptions of their work results are following predetermined targets. The simple regression test results show that the application of flexible work systems can affect subjective well-being and perceived productivity. The application of flexible working arrangements enabling workers to manage their work-life as well as their personal life, which impacts their subjective well-being. Flexible working arrangements implementation in organizations can be used as a new system in the world of work, even though the Pandemic is over. Thus, organizations can concentrate on essentials things such as the quality of work and organizations outcome.
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In-Text Citation: (Sofiani & Supriatna, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Sofiani, N. F., & Supriatna, M. D. (2021). Does Flexible Working Arrangement Affect Worker’s Perceived Stress and Productivity? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 274–283.
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