Learning of Literature is said to be challenging. This is perhaps due to the richness and complexities of the literary texts used in classrooms. When the world was hit by Covid-19 pandemic, alternative assessment and learning activities which are to be done online need to be implemented to replace conventional ones. The education landscape transformed immediately with the use of technology to minimise the disruption impact to teaching and learning caused by the pandemic. To engage learners in learning a literary text and enhance their literary comprehension, digital storytelling was opted for its value as an innovative pedagogical approach that may strengthen students’ learning. The purpose of this study was to explore the manner Digital storytelling (DST) can benefit on learners’ literary comprehension and technology engagement during a pandemic lockdown. The study adopted a qualitative approach by conducting an online semi-structured interview to 10 selected Malaysian undergraduates. The findings of the interview were tabulated and analysed thematically. Findings from the interviews indicated that the experience of preparing a digital story was a worthwhile yet challenging experience, however, it has greatly improved their literary comprehension on the issues depicted in the chosen literary play. In addition, learners also found that through the creation of a digital story, it also has expanded and enriched their technological skills through active and meaningful engagement in utilising the necessary video editing software. These indicated that digital storytelling is an effective tool in increasing learners’ literary comprehension through engagement of technology which nowadays has become imperative during this pandemic era.
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In-Text Citation: (Bakar, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Bakar, E. W. (2021). Enhancing Literary Comprehension And Technology Engagement Via Digital Storytelling During A Pandemic Lockdown – A Qualitative Study on Malaysian Undergraduates. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 145–159.
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