International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Online Gaming on the Students’ Sleeping Pattern: A Case Study in University Malaysia Sabah

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One of the pervasive effects of globalisation is the escalating culture of technology being practised worldwide. In tandem with that, online gaming is one fraction of the global technological civilisation that has affected many consumers, particularly students. Previous studies have shown that online gaming can be a damaging addiction and consequently impact avid gamers' sleeping trends. This study is conducted to identify the ensuing relationship between online gaming and its impacts on the students' sleeping pattern. Questionnaires are distributed to 300 students between the ages 18 to 25 years old identified through purposive sampling. In this study, the quantitative approach is employed to develop a descriptive analysis that captures frequency values and score min. Besides, inference analysis is undertaken to ascertain the prevailing relationship between university students' online gaming and sleeping patterns. Factor analysis is used to analyse a total of 17 parameters impacts of online gaming. The study found three (3) factors that contribute to online gaming: the first-factor ‘sleep quality', the second-factor ‘duration of sleep' and third, the 'health' factor. In turn, these had led to several implications such as loss of focus or concentration during lessons and physical complications. In conclusion, this study strongly recommends that the students gain control of their behaviour by practising self-discipline to prevent them from being continuously involved in unproductive activities such as excessive online gaming. Self-discipline is indeed a salient practice in facing the challenges of globalised technological culture we face today.
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In-Text Citation: (Noor et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Noor, H. M., Omar, M. A., Ramli, A. M., & Wong, M. S. C. (2021). The Effect of Online Gaming on the Students’ Sleeping Pattern: A Case Study in University Malaysia Sabah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 130–144.