The present research aims to determine if there is a significant relationship between workplace diversity and work performance in Arab Schools in Kuala Lumpur (ASKL), Malaysia. Moreover, the demographic factors studied included age, gender, culture, and educational level. Moreover, two hundred and ten (225) respondents were examined using the data collected throughout the questionnaire through the Statistical Package for Special Science (SPSS) Software Version 24. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis as well as regression analysis. In addition, the research presents an integrative model of demographic factors impact work performance. This research examines four demographic factors (age, gender, culture, and educational level) that affect the employee's work performance in (ASKL). The present research found a significant relationship between age, gender, culture, and work performance, while the research found no relationship between educational level and work performance. These findings emphasize the importance of workplace diversity toward work performance. Furthermore, this research fills the gaps between previous studies conducted in Arab schools by examining workplace diversity's impact on work performance. Furthermore, the present paper recommended future researchers add more diversity factors such as work experience or testing a mediation or moderation role such as motivation.
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In-Text Citation: (Juboori et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Juboori, Z. M. A. A.-, Singh, H., Ekene, I., Foad, S. F. M., & Sakka, A. A. (2021). The Employee’s Perception towards Work Performance in Arab Schools, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 100–118.
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