International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Language Learning Strategies Applied by Primary Pupils From A Suburban School Are in Improving their Speaking Skills

Open access

Samantha Jata Anak Robin, Annie Tiong Nii, Genevieve Anak Richard Sandak, Michelle Ting Lik Chiew, Mohd Nur Hirzhan Bin Noordan, Harwati Hashim

Pages 1666-1682 Received: 19 Apr, 2021 Revised: 21 May, 2021 Published Online: 21 Jun, 2021
Pupils have different ways of learning the English Language. It is important for teachers to be able to identify pupils’ application of learning strategies. This enables teachers to better craft lessons depending on the pupils’ needs in order to maximise the language learning process in the classroom. Language Learning Strategies (LLS) is the key factor in putting together the needed aid in the English Language Learning. It aids learners during their English Language Learning. Thus, study was conducted in a suburban primary school in Kapit, Sarawak to explore the language learning strategies of learners in a suburban primary school. It involved a total of 40 pupils as respondents. Pupils are enthusiastic in learning the English Language apart from their mother tongue. Pupils resolved to other ways of trying to understand the English Language. However, only limited language strategies were employed by learners in this study, for example, translating to their mother tongue, initiating conversation using simple English and using body gestures to convey messages. The findings reveal that pupils are rather enthusiastic in English Language Learning despite the lack of resources and unfavourable environment. Pupils are creative in sorting out ways to learn the English Language.
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In-Text Citation: (Robin et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Robin, S. J. A., Nii, A. T., Sandak, G. A. R., Chiew, M. T. L., Noordan, M. N. H. Bin, & Hashim, H. (2021). Language Learning Strategies Applied by Primary Pupils From A Suburban School Are in Improving their Speaking Skills. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1666–1682.