International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Tasawuf Approach to Dealing with Crime Among People with Phsycal Disability

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The Person with Disabilities (PWDs) community is one of the groups that always gets the attention of society. They are being privileged with their due rights to ensure a safe and comfortable life. At the same time, however, this community is not exempted in committing wrongs and crimes, even though their number is less than that of their abled counterparts. This research adopts a qualitative analysis on documents which include media documents and Sufi works to analyze the crime activities committed by the PWDs. To aid this community, a Sufi approach is proposed, which emphasizes more on the spiritual aspects while also not marginalizing the physical aspects. This research finds that there are five ta?awwuf methods that can be applied as recommended by the Sufis. Among them are instilling understanding in order to develop moral probity, striving to change one’s self, surrounding one’s self with good companions, and getting spiritual treatments. This research succeeds in explaining the comprehensiveness of the ta?awwuf approach that is suitable not only for the abled community, but also the PWDs community.
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In-Text Citation: (Osman & Rahim, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Osman, K., & Rahim, M. F. A. (2021). Tasawuf Approach to Dealing with Crime Among People with Phsycal Disability. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1627–1635.