The timber and timber products industries are among Malaysian top three contributors of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the commodity sector. It is an important segment of Malaysia’s manufacturing sector contributing to RM 22.5 billion in export and 1.6% of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2019. Moreover, Malaysia is one of the world’s largest exporters of tropical timber and timber products, hence, it is important for the players in this industry to maintain its sustainable competitive advantage. In this respect we argue that strong relationship created by both seller and buyer may motivate customer to buy more often and in greater quantity. This article aims to measure the strength and direction of the relationship between three (3) dimensions of relationship marketing which include communication, commitment and customer satisfaction and the performance of PESAKA Terengganu Berhad, a Terengganu state-owned sawmill company. A purposive, systematic sampling was adopted in this research and the respondents were chosen from business customers who has been dealing with PESAKA Berhad., for at least one year. A Questionnaire is chosen as the instrument for this research and it was completed and returned by 73 respondents. Results of the descriptive analysis revealed that the perceptions of the majority of respondents were positive and significant on the influence of the relationship marketing on PESAKA’s performance. The correlation analysis revealed that all the elements of relationship marketing are found to have a significantly positive and moderate level of correlation with PESAKA’s performance with correlation value ranging from 0.497 to 0.626. The results of the Regression analysis revealed that there is significant and positive relationship between all the independent and dependent variables. Based on the results of these analysis, PESAKA’s management should focuses more on satisfying the customers as well as building trust in order to build favourable perception from its customer. This perception is important because trust will create a belief that the company is doing their best to cater to the needs and preferences of customers which will ultimately improves PESAKA’s long term performance. Future research should include a larger number of respondents from different industries and location around the country. Additional variables should also be included as part of the independent variable such as trust, benevolence, credibility, integrity and reliability.
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In-Text Citation: (Zakaria et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zakaria, Z. Bin, Razali, A. B. Bin, Rashid, K. B. M., & Abdul, S. A. Bin. (2021). The Effect of Relationship Marketing on Company’s Performance: A Case Study of a State- Owned Sawmill Company. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1549–1560
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