Covid-19 pandemic has altered the landscape of education, including language acquisition, where teaching and learning now takes place virtually. Therefore, educators are required to adapt to the sudden changes in teaching scenario. Language instructors face challenges in teaching language skills especially writing in open and distance learning. One of the most crucial building blocks in improving language learners’ writing skill is the feedback they receive on their writing. This has proven to be the main challenge as giving feedback to students can no longer be given through face-to-face interaction. Thus, this study aimed to explore the practices applied by English language lecturers in providing corrective feedback on ESL students' essay writing during ODL and the underlying reasons for their choices of practices. Focusing on qualitative research method, 10 respondents were interviewed to collect data on the practices they applied in providing corrective feedback on their learners’ essay writing during ODL and reasons for the practices they chose. The thematic analysis revealed various practices were adopted mainly to suit and support the needs of the students as well as the preference of the lecturers themselves. The respondents also shared some suggestions to improve the practices in providing corrective feedback on students’ writing during ODL.
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In-Text Citation: (Sharif et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Sharif, N. F. M., Nordin, N. A., Zabidin, N., & Dellah, N. F. (2021). Providing Corrective Feedback On Esl Students’ Writing During Open And Distance Learning (Odl). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1472–1480.
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