English language has become a universal language to communicate with people worldwide in the era of globalisation as more global citizens take up English as a Second Language (ESL). Yet, ESL learners still face problems in becoming competent speakers of the English language which can impact their communication skills adversely in personal and professional settings. The use of Language learning strategies (LLS) among ESL learners can bring about proficient speaking skills and vice versa. This study aims to find out the extent of ESL learners' use of LLS in relation to their speaking skills. A survey research design was used and data was collected through an online survey questionnaire among Form 2 pupils from a rural Negeri Sembilan secondary school. The 15 close-ended questions adapted from Oxford, Cohen and Chi’s Language Strategy Use Survey were formulated to inquire about pupils’ use of English speaking learning strategies. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaire results revealed that most pupils never and seldom utilize speaking learning strategies when engaging in English discourse with exception of showing a significant use in the strategy of switching to their native language momentarily. This study of the aforementioned sample demonstrated that most adolescent ESL learners in Malaysian secondary schools use little to none English speaking skill learning strategies and use more of their native language to cope in English conversations. ESL policy makers, educators and researchers are needed to further encourage the ESL learners’ active use of LLS for speaking and eventually enhance their speaking skills. Recommendations were provided for future studies in consideration of English language educators and researchers.
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In-Text Citation: (Ooi et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ooi, W. Z., Abdullah, N., Sarangapani, S., Song, S. J., Vejayan, L., & Hashim, H. (2021). Speaking For Themselves: The Use of Learning Strategies for Speaking Skills Among Lower Secondary School ESL Learners. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1416–1430.
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