International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Improving Lower Primary Students’ Vocabulary Retention Through Interactive Storyboard Game (ISG)

Open access
The current CEFR-aligned Year 1 English syllabus is taught in the British context as the main material in use is the Superminds Student’s Book and Workbook printed by Cambridge University Press. As such, many of the terminology employed in the book are taught in a setting where students do not experience them and are unable to recognise and associate word meanings along with contextual learning purposes. This study is significant as it provides educators facing the same issue with a possible solution in overcoming the issue, which is crucial in learning a second language, especially as English is seen as an international language. The action research model was used in this study as it allowed the researchers to identify the issue, plan an action, implement the action, and review the effectiveness, followed by making adjustments and carrying out a second round of intervention if necessary. The data was collected from twenty five (25) Year 1 students as respondents. This action research used pre-test and post-test as well as observations as instruments to collect data. Findings from this study found that ISG was effective for a large number of participants in the study. Future research can focus on the implementation of the same method on weak learners at a higher level to explore if the method is truly able to help them improve their vocabulary retention. Furthermore, future research can also target a larger number of participants and implement and experimental research design to increase the reliability and validity of the data obtained.
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In-Text Citation: (Xin-Li et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Su, E. X. L., Ting, M. L. C., & Yunus, M. M. (2021). Improving Lower Primary Students’ Vocabulary Retention Through Interactive Storyboard Game (ISG). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1404–1415.