The agri-food sector plays a very important role in the Uruguayan economy. Beef production and export has been one of Uruguay’s main economic activities since the introduction of cattle into the second smallest country in South America. The most important destinations for Uruguayan beef exports are China, the European Union (EU) and the United States of America. The EU has been one of Uruguay’s traditional markets exporting a constant quantity due to the tariffs quota agreed in the World Trade Organization (WTO). Brexit referendum has potentially opened new trade opportunities between the UK and Uruguay. Within this context, this paper aims to critically analyse Uruguay’s beef sector competitive advantage to increase trade with the UK. This study uses an intensive research approach, by means of in-depth personal interviews of specific agents in the UK and Uruguay. The results of this study indicate that Uruguayan beef exporting firms lack a clearly defined strategy to take advantage of new market opportunities. Findings have revealed that government policies have not helped the beef sector to achieve a sustainable competitive position. Additionally, factor and demand conditions, as well as supporting industries have had a leadership role in the sector’s competitiveness.
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In-Text Citation: (Federico et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Federico, G. T. B., Julio, M. L. C., Magdalena, M. G. T., & Federico, G. T. B. (2021). Increasing Export Competitiveness: An Analysis on Expanding Uruguayan Beef Exports to the UK Market. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1379–1392.
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