New media technology influences almost all aspects of traditional media, including subscriptions, readership, circulation, and advertising revenue. In particular, the possibility to access information and receive instant updates via the internet has threatened the existence of traditional newspapers. Therefore, this paper aims to review the challenges facing newspapers in the age of digital communication and how publishers can utilize digital technology to expand readership and maximize subscription and advertising revenues. The outcomes of this review showed that challenges faced by newspapers include a general decline in reading culture, lack of interactivity, readers’ preference for free news, and the need to minimize the cost of production and distribution as well as provide timely updates. Nevertheless, by utilizing digital technology and maintaining print editions, publishers can provide credible news and information to expand their reach and attract advertisers. Technology has not been able to replicate the credibility and quality of newspaper content. This review was an attempt to provide useful information to newspaper publishers, journalists, advertisers, and readers on news delivery and consumption in the age of digital communication. This review is limited to newspapers, and hence further research may focus on broadcast media such as radio and television.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, I., Abubakar, U. I., Nasidi, Q. Y., Azmi, M. N. L., & Shehu, A. (2021). Challenges and Opportunities for Newspapers in the Age of Digital Communication. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1365–1377.
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