International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Reliability Study of Parent Reading Belief Inventory (PRBI) – the Case of Albania

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Studies have shown that language development in children is something adults can work on to initiate its enhancement in various ways. Reading aloud is one of the most effective ways families can promote the enhancement of literacy and language development of preschoolers (De Temple & Snow, 2003) (Sénéchal & Cornell, 1993) (Whitehurst, et al., 1988).
Reading behaviors could derive from parent’s belief on the effects of reading to children. It is assumed that the more a parent believes that children would benefit from shared reading, the more s/he will read with the child. To measure parental belief about reading to children, DeBaryshe and Binder (1994) developed an instrument named Parental Reading Beliefs Inventory. The inventory, analyzed in the present study, resulted to be satisfyingly reliable within the sample of Albanian parents (42 items; ? =0.89).
The purpose of this study was to i) examine the Parent Reading Belief Inventory (PRBI) scale reliability in a sample of 265 Albanian parents, ii) evaluate internal consistency of the 7 PRBI original scale components, and iii) assess the item analysis.
Categorical data of PRBI results from Albanian parents in Albania show that most parents have positive beliefs about reading to preschool children measured by this scale.