International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Language Learning Strategies Used for Reading Skill by Pupils in Selected Rural Schools in Sarawak

Open access

Donna Anak Dawi, Hana Bua’ Hilary, Masliza David, Michelle Elaine Anak William Jospa, Wendy Kulan Anak Igai, Harwati Hashim

Pages 1280-1290 Received: 19 Apr, 2021 Revised: 21 May, 2021 Published Online: 20 Jun, 2021
Rural schools in Malaysia strive to progress on par with their counterparts in urban schools despite their differences. Pupils learning in the rural schools may not experience a similar level of exposure to English as the pupils in the urban schools. It is seen essential to understand the learning process experienced by pupils in rural schools to progress in learning. Language learning strategies are a crucial element in the learning process and action that aid the use and acquisition of language. It is hypothesized that one factor influencing the development of reading skills was the pupils' learning strategies. This study aims to examine the learning strategies used among rural primary school pupils in developing their reading skills. In this study, quantitative research design was administered through the use of survey. The data was collected through questionnaires of Young Learners’ Language Strategy Use Survey by Andrew D. Cohen and Rebecca L. Oxford (2002). Four selected schools are situated in the rural areas of four districts in Sarawak. The data collected were analyzed quantitatively. The major finding of this study resulted in the two highest percentages of preferred language learning strategies by the pupils in the selected rural schools namely the affective strategy and the cognitive strategy. The findings will be able to benefit the educators by giving new insights on appropriate reading strategies that would impact optimally as well as improving the pupils’ learning progress awareness concerning reading skill. This reflects on the current teaching of English reading skills and what can be done to give a more impactful reading outcome. On this basis, consideration of the types of reading materials, reading tasks and readers’ aspects should be taken into account when designing reading lessons.
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In-Text Citation: (Dawi et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Dawi, D. A., Hilary, H. B., David, M., Jospa, M. E. A. W., Igai, W. K. A., & Hashim, H. (2021). Language Learning Strategies Used for Reading Skill by Pupils in Selected Rural Schools in Sarawak. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1280–1290.