Millennials’ brand loyalty is difficult to attain by e-commerce sellers because of the millennials’ preferences in buying online products and their tendency to be cautious of marketing techniques in order to avoid being manipulated.Despite having an immense spending power, millennials were found to be very disloyal to brands. This study aims at examining various literature on brand loyalty. It also aspires to identify the relative importance of trust as one of the most important factors which influence millennials’ brand loyalty to online fashion brands’ e-commerce sites.In addition, this paper seeks to determine the moderating effect of income on the relationship between trust and millennials’ brand loyalty.
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In-Text Citation: (Linus et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Linus, H. Bin, Gisip, I. A., & Guliling, H. H. (2021). Conceptual Millennials’ Brand Loyalty to Online Fashion Brands’ E-commerce Sites. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1231–1239.
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