This paper will present and discuss creative practice-base; the alternative approach using clays as a matrix for printmaking. The study replicated Lyon’s framework of clay matrix. This research shows the sample of an experiment using multiple combinations of mediums that is suitable for this type of printmaking. The experiment concludes non-woven paper is the best use for clay print. It also opens the possibility of the idea that non-woven materials can also be made of clay print such as kitchen towels, polypropylene and table linen. Clay print is full of surprises and charms, it is also an example of how this technology will integrate and benefit both Fine Arts and Ceramic fields.
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In-Text Citation: (Kusmawi & WMD, 2013)
To Cite this Article: Kusmawi, K., & WMD, W. S. A. (2013). Clay as an Alternative Matrix for Printmaking. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1223–1230.
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