International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Corruption and Islamization in Malaysia

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The current ethical and social dilemma experienced by each country globally has become more challenging. The increase in the case of fraud, malpractice and corruption among civil servants mainly is worrying globally as well as locally. Malaysia as a developing country is also no exception from this problem. Social moral problems recently grow rapidly and become more chronic regardless the age, race or religion. The writing of qualitative concept paper with analysis content method attempts to obtain an answer to the question of integrity, value among the community by introducing numerous of policy and inculcation of Islamic Value campaign since a decade ago. Therefore, this paper aims to analyse plans introduced by the government to overcome it and to what extends it give impacts on the integrity and value among the community and civil servants. The findings indicate all the campaigns, policies introduced have not affected the civil servants especially in their involvement in performing corruption acts and malpractice. It is hoped that a comprehensive and accurate plan can be introduced and implemented to all in the effort to form Malaysia as a country of zero corruption and malpractice.
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In-Text Citation: (Kasim & Hoesni, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Kasim, A. C., & Hoesni, S. M. (2021). Corruption and Islamization in Malaysia. International Journal Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1120–1134.