International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Analysis of Social Assistance and Grant Funds Toward Fisherman Income in Aceh Province

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From the past until now, the term fishermen or coastal communities has certainly been synonymous with slum environments, poor hygiene and sanitation and high poverty rates. This is of course an irony because the Aceh Sea has a large enough potential for fishery production. Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Aceh Province in 2014, the potential for marine capture fisheries production in Aceh reached 145,833.6 tons. The potential for public waters fishery production reaches 1,352.2 tons. In addition, social assistance is the provision of assistance in the form of money / goods from the local government to individuals, families, groups and / or communities that are not continuous and selective in nature with the aim of protecting against possible social risks. Social risk is an event or event that can lead to the potential for social vulnerability to be borne by individuals, families, groups and / or communities as a result of social crises, economic crises, political crises, natural phenomena and natural disasters which if social assistance spending is not provided will increase. slumped and unable to live in normal conditions. The general objective of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of social assistance and grants to increase the income of fishing communities in Aceh Province. This research was conducted in Aceh Province to be precise in several districts / cities in Aceh Province that received social assistance and grants, especially Pidie Jaya, Lhokseumawe and Aceh Besar. The poverty level of fishermen is analyzed using Minimum Physical Needs (KFM). The income level of poor fishermen is analyzed using economic approaches, both qualitative and quantitative approaches. To analyze the effect of social assistance and grant funds on increasing the income of fishing communities, an econometric approach is used. The extent to which the effectiveness of social assistance and grants to increase the income of fishing communities in Aceh Province will be analyzed using a quantitative approach.
On average, fishermen in Aceh Province are still in the poverty line. The estimation results simultaneously and partially social assistance and grants have a positive and significant effect on the income of fishing communities in Aceh Province. The income of fishing communities in Aceh Province can be explained by the variable of social assistance and grant funds of 80.8 percent, the remaining 19.2 percent can be explained by other variables not included in this study. Social assistance and grant funds are very effective in increasing the income of fishermen in Aceh Province, where the income of fishermen after receiving social assistance and grants is greater than before receiving this assistance.
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In-Text Citation: (Murtala et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Murtala, Chalirafi, Usman, U., & Abubakar, J. (2021). Analysis of Social Assistance and Grant Funds Toward Fisherman Income in Aceh Provinc. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1093–1101.