This study highlights on development of mobile prayer software for the hearing impaired community. The design and development research method (DDR) of this study is through instructional design model through five phases namely analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation (ADDIE). The study sample involves 276 people consisting of deaf respondents, students with hearing impairments, teachers and experts in the field of information technology. The study identified that the software and design of the prayer mobile application for the hearing impaired users should include interactive features particularly graphics, animation, voice, video, text size and arrangement, as well as font size and colours. As for the design display, there are six elements should be given priority namely balanced topographic arrangement elements, bright theme divider, data divider, navigation, horizontal line layout and button section. Hence, the development of a mobile prayer application helps the special-need-users to perform their prayer obligation apart from increase their understanding on the Islamic Education component.
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In-Text Citation: (Razalli et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Razalli, A. R., Mamat, N., Razali, N., Yasin, M. H. M., Lakulu, M., Hashim, A. T. M., & Ariffin, A. (2021). Development of Prayer Mobile Application Software for The Hearing Impaired (Deaf) Based on Malaysian Sign Language. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1027–1042.
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