Social changes in the context of public service sectors, in particular construction project management, are increasingly competitive, mainly in meeting the expectations of the various stakeholders in the 21st century. The country's equilibrium and well-being are based on people's recognition of well-planned and efficient project management. It can be assessed through each of the Government's development budget announcements focusing on great initiatives for target groups. In the context of managing small public construction projects (SPCPs), project manager is an influential determinant of multi-stakeholder satisfaction. Hence, this study aims to identify the obstacles faced by project managers in the perspective of handling small scale projects in Malaysia grounded on previous studies through content analysis techniques. Based on the analysis, three main obstacles can be addressed in the context of project manager’s perspective, which are stakeholder expectations, project uncertainty and competency/soft skills sustainability as a basis for future research to ensure that country social development indicators are achieved.
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In-Text Citation: (Noor et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Noor, S. S. M., Esa, M., Kamal, E. M., & Mansor, A. A. (2021). Small Public Construction Projects (SPCPs): Obstacles in the 21st Century from the Perspective of Project Managers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1008–1017.
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