International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Gay and Lesbian Counseling Process: An Alternative Religious Approach

Open access
Discussions on religious approaches in counseling procedures are still considered new, especially if they involve gay and lesbian clients. These people need help emotionally and spiritually to promote change and better emotional well-being in their lives. In order to sow the seeds of change, religious alternatives is important to be introduced in the counseling process especially in a society that still adheres strongly to religious matters. This study aims to explore the extent to which religious approaches can assist counselors in handling gay and lesbian cases. To obtain information, researchers use in-depth interviews through purposive sampling techniques. The study involved eight participants consisting of registered counselors who have had experienced conducting counseling sessions with gay and lesbian clients. Data were analyzed by examining the transcription of interview recordings and identifying emerging themes based on the objectives of the study using N-Vivo software 11. The results of the study found that there are four main themes namely (i) religious practice (ii) client willingness and (iii) Ad-Din psychological approach and (iv) Islamic Creative Art Therapy (I-CAT). In addition, the results of this study also explain that the religious approach can assist clients in getting better outcomes to return to origin. Thus, this study adds value to the existing counseling skills as well as counselors are able to increase their willingness and knowledge related to religious counseling. Overall, this will enable counseling sessions can be conducted in a sound and competent manner.
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In-Text Citation: (Jamal & Subhi, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Jamal, S. H., & Subhi, N. (2021). The Gay and Lesbian Counseling Process: An Alternative Religious Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 911–920.