Autism spectrum disorder present challenges, stress, and burdens to caregivers. In order to ensure the quality of life especially the well-being of caregivers, they need necessary supports. This study uses a qualitative method which is in-depth interviews to explore the domains of caregivers’ burden and challenges as well as their coping mechanisms. This study has been conducted among caregivers registered with NASOM Melaka. A total of 8 respondents participated in this study voluntarily, consisting of 7 women and a man. The data was collected via a series of online interviews. The analysis was conducted based on thematic analysis. Financial, emotional, physical, and social life challenges are the domains contributing to the burden of caregiving. The financial issue is reported to be the most important challenge in caregiving. This is due to the high costs involved in the management of treatment and therapy, as well as the cost of food and daily expenses. Acceptance and spiritual aspects are the positive coping mechanisms for the management and caregiving of autistic children. In conclusion, caregivers also need emotional and practical supports from family members. Government and Non-Governmental Organisations should be more attentive to the need and constraints faced by the caregivers, especially financial constraint.
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In-Text Citation: (Zainal et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zainal, K., Zakaria, S. M., & Aun, N. S. M. (2021). The Domain of Challenges and Coping Mechanisms Amongst Caregivers of Autistic Children. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 878–888.
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