International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


School Engagement Among Adolescents from Low Income Family in Kuala Lumpur

Open access

Salina Nen, Fauziah Ibrahim, Mohd. Nasir Selamat, Nasrudin Subhi, Norulhuda Sarnon, Azianura Hani Ahsari, Shahrul Nazmi Sanusi dan Zaizul Abd. Rahman

Pages 869-877 Received: 15 Apr, 2021 Revised: 18 May, 2021 Published Online: 16 Jun, 2021
School engagement influence children's success rates and prevent students from engaging into various social problems. Commitment to school may be influenced by many factors including family background, student-teacher relationship, school peers, and curriculum and co-curricular activities taught at school. The study's two objectives were (1) to measure the level of students' commitment; and (2) to measure the factors that influence students' commitment to the school. This study used quantitative research designs in which questionnaires were the primary tool for data collection. The respondents of this study consisted of 244 teenagers aged between 11-25 years old living in People's Housing (PPR) in Kuala Lumpur. The findings showed that the level of commitment to the school was moderate (50.8%), followed by high levels (43%) and low (6.1%) respectively. Meanwhile, there were four (4) factors identified to affect school commitment, and there were family relationships (23.3%), personal health (7.1%), prosocial behavior (2.3%) and sexual health (2.3%). The combination of the four predictor factors has contributed as much as 34.9% of the variance in school commitment among adolescents living in PPR. The implications and recommendations of this study for risky adolescent interventions were also discussed.
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In-Text Citation: (Nen et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Nen, S., Ibrahim, F., Selamat, M. N., Subhi, N., Sarnon, N., Ahsari, A. H., & Rahman, S. N. S. dan Z. A. (2021). School Engagement Among Adolescents from Low Income Family in Kuala Lumpur. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 869–877.