There has been an increase in grandparents raising their grandchildren resulting shift in their roles and parenting styles. This article explores grandparents parenting styles as alternative caregivers, in the development of the national family. The study used a qualitative approach based on case studies. A total of 23 respondents were successfully interviewed in detail and their answers were analysed thematically. The study found that most respondents use "Passive" style; six respondents exhibited "Surrogate" style, five respondents displayed "Authoritative" style and four respondents showed "Reservoir of Family Wisdom" style. Whereas, only two respondents used the "Fun-Seeker", and “Multi” style. The majority of respondents are taking care of their grandchildren full time. The implications from the study suggest that the role of social workers needs to be facilitator and collaboration to expand grandparents’ potential in developing an upright family system. Social workers can help provide multiple strategies to ensure the grandparents-grandchildren relationship and subjective wellbeing. Future research avenues shed a light to empower grandparents’ involvement in strengthening family system.
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In-Text Citation: (Alavi et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Alavi, K., Dagang, D., & Sarnon@Kusenin, N. (2021). Grandparenting Style in Malaysia: Implication on Social Work Roles. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 858–868.
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