International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Lifestyle and Spiritual Practices of Generation Z

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Lifestyle reflects how a person spends his time in daily routine and life. A lifestyle which does not adhere to spiritual values may compromise a person’s well-being such as engaging in illegal street racing, free sex and gangsterism. This research aimed to identify the lifestyle activities of Generation Z, study their spiritual practices and analyze the relationship between the lifestyle activities and spiritual practices among Gen Z. This research is designed as a survey study. The main research instrument is questionnaire. Respondents are selected by stratified random sampling involving 673 Malaysian adolescents. The results showed that Gen Z are very concerned with personal hygiene. The spiritual practices most observed by Gen Z are solah, fasting, doa and being grateful. The research found that there is a significant relationship between lifestyle activities and spiritual practices among Gen Z. Spiritual practices have a positive impact on Gen Z’s lifestyle and well-being.
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In-Text Citation: (Manap et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Manap, J., Hamjah, S. H., Idris, F., Kasim, A. C., & Idrus, R. (2021). Lifestyle and Spiritual Practices of Generation Z. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 845–857.