International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Identification of Business Intelligence in Managing Maintenance Management for Government Office Buildings in Putrajaya

Open access
A proper data management in maintenance practices are required to make the daily process smooth. With the ability of Information Technology (IT) will influence on maintenance management database system. However, this IT systems are challenged with massive increases in amount of data, the speed they are generated and the need to record, process and visualize those data in real time to the user. This rapid growth of information results in the pervasion of Big Data (BD) and Business Intelligence (BI). This research highlights Public Works Department or Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) as a key pillar in managing and store important data relating to maintenance management for each building in Putrajaya. JKR finds difficulties to create sustainable maintenance policy which require the right tools and equipment to achieve sustainable goals and objective. Last research attentions have been given to the use of big data and business intelligence in maintenance management industries particularly in government sector. Hence, this research presents an analysis of the complexities and requirement for maintenance that focuses on intelligent system that help to improve the intelligent management of maintenance in making informed decision and can be applied horizontally to address identified challenges in practices.
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In-Text Citation: (Jamaludin & Razali, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Jamaludin, A. F., & Razali, M. N. (2021). Identification of Business Intelligence in Managing Maintenance Management for Government Office Buildings in Putrajaya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 797–804.