International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Sustainability of E-Hailing Services: The Roles of Job Preferences, Competency and Resilience

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Malaysian government have provided several economic incentives since 2017 to promote jobs in e-hailing industry. Based on the current knowledge, it is apparent that there is lack of studies in determining the realistic attributes and overall specification of e-hailing jobs. This quantitative study explores the antecedents of e-hailing jobs’ sustainability. It describes the motivations of individual’s appeals in particular from B40 segments for e-hailing jobs in Malaysia. This study explores three perspectives of service sustainability in terms of job preferences, competency and resilience among 397 e-hailing drivers in major cities of Malaysia. Additionally, this study provides considerable evidence from the supply side of e-hailing service provision especially with respect to the motives of becoming a e-hailing driver. The results identified job preferences and competency as significant predictors for e-hailing service sustainability, while job resilience is not significant. These findings may help e-hailing companies to better understand what drivers look for in their employment. Additionally, this study provides insight for individuals who are currently considering becoming e-hailing drivers in the promising and ever evolving e-hailing services.
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In-Text Citation: (Daud et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Daud, A., Johan, Z. J., Aluwi, A. H., & Omar, M. K. (2021). Sustainability of E-Hailing Services: The Roles of Job Preferences, Competency and Resilience. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 780–788.