This paper describes whether performance feedback can greatly affect job performance. Hence, this study intends to determine the effects of feedback environment (i.e. its dimensions of source credibility, feedback quality, feedback delivery, favorable feedback, unfavorable feedback, source availability and promotes feedback seeking) as well as feedback orientation (i.e. its dimensions of utility, accountability, social awareness, and feedback self-efficacy) towards job performance. Feedback is defined as information about performance that allows a performer to change his or her behavior. Whilst performance feedback is often described as information that is presented to a performer that enables a change in his or her future performance. Feedback environment is characterized by the availability of valid and valuable feedback that is provided in a constructive way and on a regular basis). On the other hand, feedback orientation is employee’s willingness and ability to receive, process, and use feedback. Using purposive samples of 96 academician of a public university in Malaysia, the findings of this study established that, feedback orientation of feedback self-efficacy and feedback environment of favorable feedback have significant effects towards job performance. The significance of this study can contribute numerous advantages to many organisations and the corporate sectors in forming their business strategy specially to cope with industry revolution 4.0 in Malaysia. This study also provides the human resources management team further insights on ways to improve job performance and this will allow organisations to gain profitable entity. Apart from that, this study will provide some directions for future researchers in concerning of feedback and job performance studies.
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In-Text Citation: (Dahalan et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Dahalan, N. A., Omar, M. K., Abdullah, D. N. M. A., Zakaria, R., & Fauzi, M. W. M. (2021). Determining Job Performance vis-à-vis Feedback Orientation and Feedback Environment: A Study Among Academicians in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 749–761.
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