International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Underpinning Theory of Service Experience’s Framework in a Science Centre Setting

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This paper highlights the visitor’s service experience (VSE) framework, with its three main dimensions (service delivery, physical and social servicescape), which acts as the stimulus in the environment setting. This relationship theoretically affects the visitor’s response (VR) and influences the visitor’s approach-avoidance behavioural through the Non-Formal Science Learning (NFSL) as a mediator within the primary emotional stage of the pathways. The conceptual framework illustrated the situation with the potential parameters (stimulus) influencing the NSFL and VR. The conceptual framework with the underlying theories is constructed to understand how learners respond to science centres' services, thus continuing to visit the science centres. The public science centre faces great challenges with visitation rates and affordable charges. These challenges further increase as citizens are constantly demanding high-quality services. The theoretical perspective was discussed to understand the possible angle in handling visitation issues and non-formal science learning, with the focus on enlightening service experience among learners.
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In-Text Citation: (Kamsor et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Kamsor, N. M., Ahmad, J., & Ladisma@Awis, M. (2021). The Underpinning Theory of Service Experience’s Framework in a Science Centre Setting. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 631–641.