This study aimed to identify on how work from home can serve as a work-life balance intervention that reduced the turnover intention in Malaysia real estate market. Spillover Theory, Border Theory and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are applied as the fundamental concepts of this study, while work-life balance intervention is carried out based on the concept of Lewin’s change model. Mixed method approach is applied in this study in order to understand the contradictions between both qualitative and quantitative findings. Meanwhile, data collected is analyzed by qualitative and quantitative analysis to reflect the effectiveness of work from home intervention on improving work-life balance and reducing turnover intention. Result obtained is contradicted to most of the studies’ findings, where work from home will assist the workers to achieve work-life balance and reduce turnover intention. This might due to such intervention is not widely accepted yet in Malaysia and the lack of managerial support.
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In-Text Citation: (Foo & Adam, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Foo, I. Y. N., & Adam, S. (2021). A Review on the Impact of Work-Life Balance in Reducing Turnover Intention through Work from Home Intervention in Malaysia Real Estate Market. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 583–595.
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