Religious conversion or apostasy among Malay Muslims has always been a big issue and controversial subject in Malaysia. This issue is still a heated debate to the extent it does not only drew public’s attention but also the Head Government of Malaysia. Apostasy issue are highly potential to muster up a disastrous situation and will raise misconceptions about Islam among believers in Malaysia. Therefore, a qualitative methodology has been conducted through analyzing documents and structured interviews. A total of two samples purposely chosen amongst Negeri Sembilan Islamic Religious Affairs Department (JHEAINS) and Negeri Sembilan Mufti Department (JMKNNS) officers who are administrating mualaf and apostasy applicants in Negeri Sembilan. This study was conducted in Negeri Sembilan considering Negeri Sembilan is the only state that provisioned in law and procedures in applying for religious conversion. The results showed that both involved agencies have roles individually endeavoring apostasy in Negeri Sembilan. This research contemplating in apprehensions on the right authorized Islamic agencies’ roles regarding the compulsory procedures in applying religious conversion before Sharia High Court’s declaration on an applicants’ religion status. This study are also able to give out an explanations on citizens’ misunderstanding regarding the right authority in administrating religious conversion application in Negeri Sembilan as provisioned by the law.
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In-Text Citation: (Hamzah et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hamzah, A. Z., Mokhtar, A. I., & Masyaa’il, N. A. (2021). Islamic Agencies Role in Handling Apostasy among Mualaf. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 546–555.
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