International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Mini Review: Challenge & Issues in Outdoor Recreation-Outdoor Competency Coaches

Open access
The competency of Outdoor Recreation Coaches continues to be a debate among the community. This is because, issues pertaining to competency continue to be said as a result of various incidents and accidents in Outdoor Recreation and Outdoor Education activities. Today, various organizations, operators and operators of Outdoor and Education Recreation activities express their commitment to organize various promotions of challenging and enjoyable activities. But as far as the competency level capabilities of outdoor recreation coaches are really competent? Is there any evaluation or measurement instrument that is truly explicit in determining the competency of Outdoor Recreation coaches in Malaysia. Therefore, this article will peel off the issues and challenges faced in relation to the competency of Outdoor Recreation and Outdoor Education coaches.
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In-Text Citation: (Said et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Said, O. F. M., Taff, M. A. M., Zakaria, J., Sidi, A., & Yasim, M. M. (2021). A Mini Review: Challenge & Issues in Outdoor Recreation-Outdoor Competency Coaches. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 473-480.