Requirements and qualifications for any work field play an important role in the sustainability of an organisation including teaching services whether it is a governmental or private organisation. The Requirements and Qualification for Selangor Private Tahfiz Educational Institution Teachers is important to make sure private tahfiz institution become more competitive and relevant. This research aims to study the challenges faced for requirements and qualifications for a private maahad tahfiz in Selangor. This research uses the interview method done with the school board activist who has the experience in tahfiz educational institution management. The documentation method is also used through related fields of organizational management, which are responsible for the teachers including documents from other related organizations. The study found that the approval status for teachers are mainly still low, a dilemma the school needs to fulfill for the requirements of the teachers and government in offering curriculum. Offering this curriculum causes the maahad party difficulties in balancing the requirements of the teaching field with the teacher’s study field due to outside factors presented by educational institutions and universities. A pay rate disproportionate to the qualifications of the teacher also pose as a major challenge to the maahad management. This challenge exists due to the imbalance between the true human resources supply and demand in addition to the poor strategic cooperation system between the government and the private parties. In Malaysia, the flexible democratic educational system leans specifically towards non-governmental educational entities. The national educational system and the non-national education system do not seem to support each other. A strategic cooperation mechanism should be developed to solve a majority of the abovementioned problems so that all involved entities may be on the same goal path to ensure the success of future generations of students. For further research, should focus on private Tahfiz Institution in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Umar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Umar, A., Awang, M. M., Muslim, N., Hassan, W. Z. W., & Haneefa, M. H. M. (2021). The Challenges in Requirements and Qualification for Selangor Private Tahfiz Educational Institution Teachers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 351–361.
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