This study focuses on Malay language mastery among pre-schooling children in SJK(T) schools. In this study, the researcher has utilized the Monitor Model (1985) of second-language acquisition coined by Stephen Krashen. The study scope is limited to the mastery of vocabulary that focuses on fruit nouns. A total of ten students enrolled in the preschool Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) Serdang, Selangor were selected randomly as respondents to complete this study. The study involves pre- and post-assessment questionnaires that are used as research instruments. Pre-assessments are the assessments that were conducted before the stated topic was taught in class, whereas post-assessments are the assessments conducted after the stated topic was taught. The purpose of these two assessments are to compare the level of vocabulary mastery among the children. The data obtained from the pre- and post-assessment questionnaires will be transcribed manually into tables, graphs and pie charts for data visualization. The raw data will then be analyzed descriptively. The results of this study have shown that Malay language mastery among preschool children in SJK(T) were good, apart from one child. This was due to a range of factors including parenting, teaching and learning style, and the child’s emotional state. Although the students showed poor mastery in vocabulary in the pre-assessment, they demonstrated an improvement after the topic was taught.
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In-Text Citation: (Subramaniam et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Subramaniam, V., Kunasegran, K., & Sivaratanam, S. (2021). Mastery of Malay Language Fruit Nouns among SJK (T) Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 327–336.
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