Guided reading strategies is a vital method in teaching and learning process. Guided reading facilitates teachers to deliver very operational support for students’ who have literacy issues especially for reading comprehension. The method is also applicable in conjunction with other reading activities such as reading aloud, independent reading and shared reading. Teachers play an important role in guiding their students with systematic reading strategies as scaffolding measure in literacy learning. The strategies will actively improve students’ understanding and help to develop their comprehension skills. Teachers need to be attentive and value the systematic, guided reading strategies that act as the sustenance for their students’ reading comprehension. It is essential to discover and recognise the feasible reading strategies that emphasise such effort. This paper attempts to figure out this with value to guided reading strategies. It concerns with pre-reading strategies, during reading strategies and post-reading strategies to enhance reading comprehension.
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In-Text Citation: (Ramsa & Rawian, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ramsa, N. I. B., & Rawian, R. M. (2021). A Review on Systematic Guided Reading Strategies and Its Implication on Reading Comprehension. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 185–196.
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