International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Mediating Effect of Customer Orientation Marketing in the Relationship between Social Media Usage and Organizational Performance among Travel Agencies in UAE

Open access
This research aims to study the effect of customer orientation marketing in the relationship between social media usage and organizational performance of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), specifically in tourism industry. Other main objectives of this research are to investigate the level of customer orientation marketing among travel agencies in the UAE. To identify the level of organizational performance among travel agencies in the UAE, to determine the relationship between social media usage and customer orientation marketing among travel agencies in the UAE. To determine the relationship between social media usage and organizational performance among travel agencies in the UAE. To determine the relationship between customer orientation marketing and organizational performance among travel agencies in the UAE. Lastly, to investigate the mediating effect of customer orientation marketing in the relationship between social media usage and organizational performance among travel agencies in the UAE. This study will be conducted in seven Emirates of the United Arab Emirates. The total population of the study is 320 manager travel agencies. The sampling size of 175 travel agencies that consist of managers of marketing department, heads of departments or those responsible for information technology working in travel agencies. A set of questionnaires is used e for the data collection. Collected data will be analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis. SEM will be utilized to analyze the mediating effect of the customer orientation. The study will provide insights about how social media trending could benefits in enhancing tourism industry in UAE.
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