Syntax, morphology, linguistics and exegeses of the Quran are considered the basis for Tawjeeh Al-Qiraat (interpretation of the variations between Quranic Qira’at). However some grammatical rules were found contradicted with some Qira’at (modes of reading) and thus some syntacticians critiqued these Qira’at and questioned their authenticity. The purpose of this paper is to examine authenticity of these Qira’at on the one hand and the reasons why syntactician had critiqued these Qira’at. It also attempts to show which of the two schools of Arabic syntax were much critical to these Qira’at. The researcher followed an analytical approach by tracing the grammatical aspects in Qira’at which have been critiqued by syntacticians and the way in which such criticism has been dealt with by scholars of Qira’at. The study indicates that Qira’at must be followed as they were revealed no matter whether or not they correspond with Arabic spontaneous pronunciation and common syntactic rules. Scholars of Qira’at proved that all the Qira’at that were critiqued by syntacticians are robust; however, they do not correspond to the school of syntax these linguists advocate. Moreover, Basri scholars were much more critical of these Qira’at because they elaborated in citing these Qira’at paying little attention to their authenticity. Although these linguists were critical to these Qira’at, they cited them in great deal in their books.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdelgelil et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Abdelgelil, M. F. M., Hasan. A. F., Yusoh, F., El khayat, M. H. M., Razali, M. A., Hassan, A., Ab Aziz, N. S. (2021). Arabic Syntactic Rules with Reference to Quranic Qurra. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1599–1602.
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