International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Essential of Entrepreneurship Inclination in Higher Learning Institution (HLI)

Open access

Ima Ilyani binti Ibrahim, Mohd Fazly bin Mohd Razali, Rozihana binti Shekh Zain, Mohamad Niza bin Md Nor, Ismalaili binti Ismail, Syazwani binti Ya

Pages 1571-1580 Received: 23 May, 2021 Revised: 28 Jun, 2021 Published Online: 26 Jul, 2021
The Malaysia Ministry of Higher Education introduced entrepreneurship mandatory subjects to all students at the nation public universities. Universities and colleges have offered entrepreneurship programs or courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Even though most HLI students were taught with entrepreneur courses or programs, the entrepreneurial activities among the students are still ambiguous. This paper main objective is to investigate the relationship between role model, family background, and entrepreneurship curriculum and content with the entrepreneurial inclination. The data were collected from the Faculty of Business and Management student in Higher Learning Institution. The study indicates that all variables were proven important in explaining the inclination towards entrepreneurship. The findings will facilitate the university in developing curriculum and initiatives that align with students' goals in defining their future endeavors as entrepreneurs.
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In-Text Citation: (Ibrahim et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ibrahim, I. I. binti, Razali, M. F. bin M., Zain, R. binti S., Nor, M. N. bin M., Ismail, I. binti, & Ya, S. binti. (2021). The Essential of Entrepreneurship Inclination in Higher Learning Institution (HLI). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1571–1580.