International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Correlation Between Irregular Qiraat And Arabic Linguistics In The Quranic Tafseer Book By Al-Razi

Open access

Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Abdelgelil, Hasan. A. F., Yusoh. F, El khayat. M. H. M., Razali. M. A., Ismail. F. Z., Ab Rashid, R

Pages 1542-1548 Received: 24 May, 2021 Revised: 26 Jun, 2021 Published Online: 30 Jul, 2021
Many irregular Qiraat used to be accepted in terms of attribution and content but they become irregular following the standardization of rules of accurate Qiraah. While some may believe that we need to abandon irregular Qiraat altogether Like Imam Razi and Imam Ibn al-Arabi (i.e. not to recognize them as reliable sources for syntactic standardization). This purpose of this paper Actually the paper Reviews Correlation Between Irregular Qiraat and Arabic Linguistics In The Quranic Tafseer Book By Al-Razi By providing some example to show the extent to which irregular Qirraht can be uses an authoritative source in Arabic grammar on the one hand and the impact of irregular Qiraat on those grammatical rules. It also seeks to identify the relationship between Arabic phonetics and the other branches of Arabic linguistics. The researcher adopted an analytical approach by means of which We examined the Qur’anic Tafsser book by Al-Razi and tacked the instances of irregular Qiraat by looking into their phenetic, morphological and semantic levels. The study reveals several findings: the research suggests that both irregular and Mutawatir Qiraah can be used as authoritative sources in all branches of linguistics. The findings also suggest that some Arabic morphological and syntactic rules are influenced by irregular Qiraah due to the fact that irregular Qiraat served to preserve Arabic grammatical rules. Moreover, the findings indicate that there is such an intimate connection between Arabic phonology and the other branches of Arabic linguistics.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdelgelil et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Abdelgelil, M. F. M., Hasan, A. F., Yusoh, F, El khayat, M. H. M., Razali, M. A., Ismail, F. Z., & Ab Rashid, R. (2021). Correlation Between Irregular Qiraat And Arabic Linguistics In The Quranic Tafseer Book By Al-Razi. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1542–1548.