International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Constructing the Post COVID-19 Pandemic Psychoeducational Support Module for Public Healthcare Frontliners in Malaysia

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A holistic crisis management module encompasses thorough planning on strengthening the physical, mental, psychology, emotional, and social aspects for all parties involved albeit implicitly or explicitly. In Malaysia, the standard operating procedures (SOP) in handling natural disasters (like COVID-19) are predominantly centralized on solidifying the physical preparedness of the setbacks, rather than strengthening the soft skills of the frontliners involved. These frontliners who serve as the vital shields against the widespread of the pandemic must be systematically equipped with defense mechanism on how to counteract against destructive psychological effects such as excessive level of stress, overbearing depression, and traumatic experiences. Since COVID-19 pandemic affected the nation in March 2020, Malaysian public healthcare frontliners have been facing tremendous ups and downs in battling the virus, especially in the psychological and mental departments. Hence, this conceptual paper proposes the need to develop psychoeducational module to be used to train these frontliners in order to enhance their mental preparation so that it will maintain their psychological well-being.
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In-Text Citation: (Bakar, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Bakar, A. Y. A. (2021). Constructing the Post COVID-19 Pandemic Psychoeducational Support Module for Public Healthcare Frontliners in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1537–1541.