Social entrepreneurship is one of the initiatives to eliminate and minimise social issues. While there are many factors that determine social entrepreneurship performance, the importance of government support and stakeholder engagement in modelling the performance is yet to be fully explored. In line with the government’s effort in certifying the status of social entrepreneurship through Social Enterprise Accreditation (SEA) in Malaysia, it is important to figure out what characterizes organization performance to thrive in the sector. Therefore, the research objective is to explore and validate the measurement instrument for social entrepreneurship performance model. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed towards social enterprises in Malaysia with the help of Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC) by using purposive sampling technique.. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) was then carried out by using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Based on the results, there are five constructs that are interrelated and form the model which are government support, community/ local resident engagement, employee engagement, organization contribution and social entrepreneurship performance. Notably, major finding of this study is the measurement instrument proved to have four underlying factors measuring social entrepreneurship performance (community/local resident stakeholder, government support, employee stakeholder engagement, organization contribution), instead of just two (government support, stakeholder engagement). The authors suggest future research to employ the developed measurement instrument in a larger sample size to better understand the performance of social entrepreneurship in a different context of study. The analyses presented in this research can be used by policymakers towards the growth and performance of social entrepreneurship in Malaysia. The findings achieved in this research will be of interest for practitioners and academics concerned with developments of social entrepreneurship in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Hidzir et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hidzir, P. A. M., Ismail, S., & Kassim, E. S. (2021). Government Support, Stakeholder Engagement and Social Entrepreneurship Performance: An Exploratory Factor Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1516–1530.
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