Pandemic COVID-19 has given a significant impact and change the normal way of live whereby online learning has become the main way to teach and learn. In line with the emerging use of online learning, it is crucial to identify whether the students are ready and fit enough for online class or not. By knowing the level of readiness towards online learning, the educators can make full use of online learning in order to help the students to gain knowledge, apply the knowledge, upgrade their skills and performed well in their study. This study examines the students’ perception on readiness towards the use of online learning at the university level during the COVID-19 pandemic. Student readiness of online learning can be assessed comprehensively from five main domains which consists of motivation, possession of facilities or equipment for online learning, capability to assess and use technology, usefulness of online learning and self-directed learning. For this study, the quantitative approach has been adopted and responses from 65 undergraduate students of Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia were collected through online questionnaire. This research study was conducted during April - June 2021. Data collected were analysed using Statistical Package Social Science 23 (SPSS 23) software and presented in the form of percentages and mean scores. Main findings obtained from this study revealed that undergraduate students were ready towards the use of online learning in term of their motivation (M = 3.77), facilities (M = 3.93) and technology capabilities (M = 3.92). Based on this finding, the study recommend that constant reminder and structured assignment should be given to the students in order to help them to be ready for self-directed learning and they able to improve relevant skills during online learning. Further study should be done to identify the relationship between students’ readiness with their academic achievement in order to see the effectiveness of online learning during COVID-19 pandemic
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In-Text Citation: (Kamaruzaman et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Kamaruzaman, F. M., Sulaiman, N. A., & Shaid, N. A. N. (2021). A Study on Perception of Students’ Readiness towards Online Learning During Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1451–1463.
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