International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Application of Writing Skills’ Action Motor Among form Four Students

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Learning to write essays necessitates students to ultimately employ the cognitive skills they hold so that the essays delivered are of superior quality and can match the essences of well-composed essays. This research aimed to explore the writing skills’ action motor, one of the motor skills of writing skills proposed by Levine (2003). This study was conducted among 11 Form Four students in Johore and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur through an interview method. The outcomes reported the writing skills’ action motor could be categorised into four aspects, namely (i) essay writing based on essay framework; (ii) time management; (iii) essay review activities; and (iv) reinforcement activities. The interviews discovered that the essay framework provided before the writing activity was used as a guide to writing a complete essay. Modifications were also made to the essay framework to satisfy the questions’ explicit requirements and organise more related concepts. Additionally, most study participants reviewed their essays before submitting them to their teachers. Nevertheless, reviewing the essays were often impossible during exams due to ineffective time management. Students who did not manage time to write well were unable to review the written essay and did not write the conclusion section of the essay well and productively. The data also determined that most of the study participants did not conduct reinforcement activities to assume corrective actions on essays that the teachers reviewed; in fact, students rarely discussed it with teachers. Therefore, the research conclusions could be used as a guide by teachers to promote students’ writing skills and actions that need to be done by students and teachers. It is imperative so that the weak action motor could be improved and students’ level of proficiency and achievement in writing the Malay language essays would be augmented.
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In-Text Citation: (Samad et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Samad, K. A., Mohammad, W. M. R. W., & Mahamod, Z. bin. (2021). Application of Writing Skills’ Action Motor Among form Four Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1359–1370.