International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Financial Management of Family Institutions in Iqbal Membina Jaya Children's Novel

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This study was conducted to examine the elements of financial management found in novel Iqbal Membina Jaya written by Radzemah Bolhassan. Financial management is an important factor in a family institution. This is because financial management can impact everyday activities and lifestyles. Therefore, this financial management should be understood by each family member including children so that they are aware of the financial situation that his family has. In the context of literary works, the implementation of this financial management knowledge should be implemented so that readers especially children will be educated and knowing what steps need to be done to control the financial situation of the family. Thus, the novel Iqbal Membina Jaya will be analysed using the approach nodded by Deacon and Firebaugh on financial management involving aspects of Input, Throughput, and the third one, Output. While each of these aspects will be detailed with several sub-topics, namely the input aspect containing aspirations and goals, economic risk (events), movements (trends), and income patterns. The throughput aspect involves planning and implementation as well as output aspects encompassing the achievement of expected goals and effective use of resources. In this regard, the Iqbal Membina Jaya indeed has aspects of financial management within the family and can provide knowledge to readers to be wise in managing the family economy.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, M. S., Kamaruddin, K., & Rahman, N. S. A. (2021). Financial Management of Family Institutions in Iqbal Membina Jaya Children’s Novel. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1319–1334.