Distance learning refers to any form of remote education where learners and educators use different technologies as an alternative approach in teaching and learning process to be able to deliver and exchange information. The use of Web-Mobile Platforms (WMPs); Edmodo and Telegram in language learning-acquisition among the undergraduate ODLs (open distance learners) enabled learners and educators to stay connected. This study aims to generate insights and sharing through a questionnaire and in-depth interview questions procedure on Edmodo and Telegram to seek the emerging themes and identify learners’ perceptions in terms of learning time and space constraints in both contexts. The WMPs were used as the platform to accommodate learners’ language learning materials and online discussion forums thus functioned as the scaffolding to facilitate learners’ language learning-acquisition process. The study employs purposively sampling involving eleven undergraduate ODLs from a Malaysian university. The findings are presented in a narrative manner to illustrate the emerging themes and the pedagogical implications pertaining to how the WMPs break barriers by providing learners access to learning resources beyond the classroom learning time and space constraints and opportunities to communicate with their peers suggesting practicality and convenient ways of engaging in language learning-acquisition via the WMPs thus bridge physical space and time constraints between them.
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In-Text Citation: (Idris et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Idris, M. T. M., Hussin, S., Idris, M. T. M., & Hussin, S. (2021). Resolving Learning Time and Space Constraints While Engaging in English language Learning-Acquisition among Open Distance Learners (ODL) Using Web-mobile Platforms; Edmodo and Telegram. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1247–1257.
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