Reading the Quran with tarannum (in particular intonation) is encouraged in Islam. However, it requires the mastery of various skills, including vocal skills. This preliminary study focuses on exploring vocal training methods practised by young Malaysian qari and qariah in improving their tarannum al-Quran skill. This qualitative study utilised data collected from semi-structured interviews. Two participants from Tangkak District, Johor, participated in this study. The data obtained were transcribed and analysed to produce themes, subthemes and a matrix table. The findings showed that there were six elements of vocal training practised by the participants, namely 1) Self -consistent training, 2) Vocal warm-up training, 3) Tone training, 4) Burdah training, 5) Vocal control technique, and 6) Selecting the right tarannum. These six elements formed a model called the “The Young Qari Basic Vocal Training Method Model”. The findings of this preliminary study indicated that the participants have implemented diverse and integrated vocal training methods to improve the quality of their vocal skills to recite the Quran. The result provides an initial overview of the vocal techniques practised by the young qari and serves as a guide to the actual study.
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In-Text Citation: (Latif et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Latif, M. K., Jasmi, K. A., Noor, A. F. M., Shukor, K. A., Saad, R. M., Taib, M. S., & Khairon, I. (2021). A Preliminary Study of Basic Vocal Training Methods among Malaysian Young Qari. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1180–1189.
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