OBE approach prepares the students to face the working world and life-long challenges. Therefore, it is important to explore the impact of self-approach in study as the OBE approach focuses on student-centered learning. Self-regulated strategies are found to fit this research framework. This study aims to measure the contribution of self-regulated learning on the achievement of OBE goals in Islamic Studies. Students who have taken Islamic Studies in a polytechnic has participated in this study. A questionnaire was distributed and data were analysed using SPSS 25.0. The findings show that students’ grade were low (Mean=2.23, SD=1.77), even the application of self-regulated learning strategies is high (Mean=5.10, SD=0.89). Six out of nine strategies reach high mean score (Mean=?5.00); rehearsing, parsing, organising, critical thinking, learning with friends, and asking for help from others. The regression analysis found that self-regulated learning strategies contribute 13.9% towards the grade of Islamic Studies. Every strategy contributes less than 5% towards students’ grade in Islamic Studies. Repetition technique has majorly contributed to the grade because students memorised Quranic verses and recited the daily prayers as practical tests. It is the third highly used by the students (Mean=5.70, SD=1.07), after organising (Mean=5.73, SD=0.85) and study with friends (Mean=5.94, SD=3.90). In conclusion, even self-learning strategies were applied by the students to achieve the OBE aims of Islamic Studies, they have minimal contribution towards the achievement of good grades among students.
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In-Text Citation: (Noor et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Noor, A. F. M., Shukor, K. A., Hamdan, N., Basir, M. K. A., Latif, M. K., Saharudin, N. A., & Adnan, A. (2021). A Pilot Study of the Outcome-Based Education (Obe) Achievement and The Implementation of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Islamic Studies. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(7), 1170–1179.
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